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Rubén Soto
Artista plástico y muralista mexicano. La mayoría de sus obras son hechas en tinta china y puntillismo, con exposiciones en México y en el extranjero.
Ganador del Reconocimiento Bienal de Artes Plásticas 2018.
Conoce su biografía completa y declaración artística aquí.
Mexican artist and muralist. Most of his art pieces are made with liquid indian ink with various techniques. He also has exhibited his artwork in Mexico and abroad.
Rubén Soto is winner of the Plastic Arts 2018 Biennial Award of the State Ministry of Culture.
Read his full biography and artistic statement here.
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Home: Pro Gallery
Si deseas contactar al artista Rubén Soto 256 para discutir posibles colaboraciones o realizar preguntas de prensa:
🇬🇧To contact the artist Rubén Soto 256 for collaborations or press information:
Taller / Workshop: Cuernavaca, Morelos, México
+52 (777) 1032409

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